Did you know that volunteers have a much better chance of finding a job than jobseekers who don’t volunteer. Ever wonder why?
- Understand why volunteering makes you a stronger job candidate.
- Know why most companies value giving back to the community.
- Learn how acquiring skills as a volunteer is your “pathway to employment.”
Sound too good to be true? Hear from current Business and Career Services (BCS) Volunteers who:
- Have built confidence and increased self-esteem.
- Bridged resume gaps.
- Learned new virtual presentation skills.
Tonight you can casually network in virtual breakout rooms, with recently landed professionals at area corporations. Many say, “Volunteering was the best training—EVER— for my new career.”
You’ll have the opportunity to practice your elevator speech as you network with current and past BCS Volunteers. *BCS Volunteers find jobs 50% faster than the average job seeker.
But you’ll hear much more at this session. The camaraderie and fun will lift your spirits. Guaranteed. Register for this free session today!

Registration closes 24 hours prior to workshop.
- Your meeting confirmation will be emailed to you with your ticket registration confirmation. You’ll receive your meeting link just prior to the start of the event.
- If you do NOT IMMEDIATELY RECEIVE your ticket confirmation upon registration – PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER.
- Please plan to arrive a little early to ensure that you are able to access the online meeting.
- If you are having trouble logging in – try calling into the meeting. The phone number is emailed with your meeting access link.
- If the meeting is full – click on registration and request to be placed on the waiting list.
- The North Suburban Cook County American Job Center is committed to providing all customers with quality, professional services as well as a safe and comfortable learning environment. The use of our resources implies acceptance of our Customer Code of Conduct (See attached), which is based on the principle of respect for all customers and staff. https://www.northcookjobcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Customer-Code-of-Conduct-handout.pdf
IMPORTANT: If you would like to be notified of upcoming workshop sessions, please email: contact@bcsillinois.org. (Include your name, email address and telephone, and what kind of job search support or training you need. We are here to help. 🙂